Day 1: Setting The Attitude

Day #1) How Does Attitude Impact Leadership?
You are getting ready to start building your team. You are getting ready to step into the leadership role. One of the most important things you can do as a leader is set the tone of your team. You want to make sure the coaches you are adding to your team coincide with the type of team you want to develop. Of course you want your team to have a positive vibe, but have you thought about the attitude you want in your team!?

I am going to give you 5  truths about attitudes and how they affect teamwork and a leader’s team.

1)      Attitudes have the power to lift UP or Tear DOWN a team
-          Yes, you want talent on your team but that is not enough. There are plenty of talented teams out there that never amount to anything because of the attitudes set in the group.  If you want outstanding results, you need good people with great talent and awesome attitudes. When attitude goes up, so does the potential of the team. When attitudes go down, the potential of the team goes down with it.

2)       Attitude compounds when exposed to others.
-          Attitude is CATCHING! When a leader is upbeat in the face of discouraging circumstances, others admire that quality and want to be like them. Look at Breezie Bitter our upline. She faces Chrohn’s Disease every single day, yet she shows up with a smile on her face and leads her team. She never brings her team down. People are also inspired by their peers. People tend to adopt the attitudes of those they spend time with.
-          Attitudes are CONTAGIOUS!
3)      Bad Attitudes Compound Faster Than Good Ones
-          People think it’s chic to be negative. The truth is that negative attitudes hurt rather than help the person who has it. It also hurts the people around them. 
-          This goes to show attitudes spread QUICKLY!
4)      Attitudes are Subjective, so identifying a Wrong One Can Be DIFFICULT.
-          People always project on the outside how they feel on the inside. Let’s talk about a few common attitudes that can ruin a team.
-          A) Inability to admit wrongdoing.
-          B) Failing to forgive. Holding a grudge is NEVER appropriate
-          C) Petty Jealousy. Each of us is created uniquely and performs differently, and we should be treated as such.
-          D) The disease of ME!
-          E) A critical spirit. When someone on your team has a critical spirit, everybody knows it because everyone on the team can do NO right!
-          F) A desire to hog all the credit. This person continually steps in the spot light to take a bow.

Most bad attitudes are a result of selfishness.  If one of your teammates put others down, sabotages teamwork, or makes himself out to be more important than the team you can be sure you have encountered someone with a bad attitude.

5)      Rotten Attitudes, Left Alone, Ruin EVERYTHING
-          You must address bad attitudes. They will never go away if they are left unaddressed.  They will simply fester and ruin a team and it’s potential.
-          Bad attitudes will also impact your leadership and its effectiveness.

See how important attitudes can be. You do have the opportunity to be picky when it comes to creating your team. Make sure that the person you are adding to your team is willing to do what is expected. They are willing to go the extra mile, and most importantly what they want matches up with your intentions as well.

Today's assignment: I want you to sit down and list 10 Characteristics you want your team to have. I want you to create your DREAM TEAM! What type of person are they? DIG DEEP! I bet you have a pretty good idea of what type of attitude your team will possess. Message your upline when you have completed this. 

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