Day 10: Focus On Your Team

As coaches we are taught to dream, and by dream they mean DREAM BIG! You hear of crazy rank advancements, people paying off their homes in a short period of time, and the list goes on and on. I am sure by now you have established a few dreams of your own. One mistake people tend to repeatedly make is that they focus all their attention on their dream, and forget about their team.
Bottom line here is if you build the right team, the dream will almost take care of itself.
You want to achieve your team? Then grow your team but make sure your motives are right. Don’t do it solely to benefit yourself.  So how do you grow your team!? I mean growing your team is what’s going to get you to Diamond right!?
1.   You need to develop your team members. See the potential in each person that they don’t see in themselves. Always give those people who are already on your team the chance to grow and bloom. Maybe you have all the people in place to go Diamond, work on helping them grow. Work on showing them the direction they need to be going. Don’t just recruit and then drop the ball with helping your team members develop.
2.   If you are adding new members make sure they have those key elements you are looking for. Maybe you aren’t the greatest with technology and they are phenomenal at it. Don’t turn them away because you are intimidated. Help them so that they can help you. Your team is going to benefit from key members.
3.   Change up leadership if need be.  This is where as a leader you need to accept the fact that you can’t do everything. Ask your key players, the dream team, those you see potential in to step up and step in when they see something. Not only is this priming them to lead their own team but it helps you as well. Maybe they will give insight to someone that will click. Always have more than one leader in your team setting.
4.   Dealing with Inaffective Members. Poor attitudes need to be taken care of. Team pages can be a place to vent but ultimately you do not want someone who is brining everyone else down. You may have to have a conversation with them. If you notice that your team is breaking down or falling short you may need to address this. NOW, this also goes hand in hand with the fact that you can’t chase members down who aren’t willing to meet you half way. There were many times when I first started coaching that I was wasting time and energy tracking down those who weren’t willing to put in effort, and was completely neglecting those who were ready. You need to focus your time and energy on those who are ready.

Growing a team is demanding and time consuming but so worth it. If you want to achieve your dream you have no choice but to build that dream team.

Today I want you to do TWO things!

1.   Identify who your KEY players are on your team. Those that are working hard, getting on team calls, really stepping up and showing up. Your dream team should be the top 20% of the people on your team.
2.   I know in the past you have created your dream customer. Today I want you to create your dream team member. What characteristics and qualities do they have. Make them the PERFECT team member in your eyes.

When you have completed this I want you to message your upline saying “ I am on my way to building my DREAM Team!” *-

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