Day 2: Principles of Personal Growth

Day #2- By now you should know the 3 Vital Behaviors, and I know you may be sick of hearing about them ALL the time but honestly they are VITAL for a reason. One that is often overlooked and seems to be negotiable is Personal Development. Today we are going to talk about the principles for Self Improvement..

Making the change from being an occasional learner to becoming someone dedicated to personal growth tends to go against the grain of the way most people live.
-Talk about how most people never read more than 1 or 2 books after graduating highschool.

If you want to be successful you HAVE to keep growing! So how do you get in the habit and become dedicated to personal growth?! I have 8 principle’s to help you develop.
11)    Choose a Life of Growth
-         The only way to improve the quality of your life is to improve yourself. If you want to grow your team, you have to grow as a leader. The only thing you have to the ability to improve is yourself. When you do everything else around you suddenly gets better. You have to CHOOSE to grow.

22)    Start Growing Today!
-No matter where you may be starting from, don’t be discouraged; everyone who got where he is started where he was.
- Remember growth is NOT automatic
- Growth today will provide a better tomorrow. Everything you do today will compound. Remember you are investing in tomorrow
-Growth is YOUR responsibility . Recognize the importance that personal growth plays in success, and commit to developing your potential TODAY.

33)    Focus on Self-Development, not Self-Fulfillment
-         Self development will make you feel good but that is not the goal. It is the development of your potential so you can attain the purpose for which you were created.

44)    Never Stay Satisfied with CURRENT Accomplishments
-         Never think that you have ARRIVED when you accomplish a goal. It takes away your desire to learn. Successful people don’t sit back and relax , they keep growing and learning. Stay hungry, be hungry for SUCCESS. Don’t settle in the a comfort zone and don’t let success go to your head. Enjoy it briefly and then move on.

55)    Be a Continual Learner
-         If you want to keep growing, you have to learn to carve out time to do so. Learn something new every single day! You must keep improving yourself!

66)    Develop a Plan for Growth
-Beachbody recommends a MINIMUM of 10 minutes a day. The most successful coaches in the business do at LEAST 2 hours of personal development every SINGLE day. If you were to spend an hour a day on the same subject for 5 years you will be an expert on that subject.
-Identify 3-5 areas you wish to develop, then look for useful materials to incorporate to your plan. It doesn’t matter how you go about it, you just need to do it daily.

77)    Pay the Price
-Yes it will cost a little bit to get started on personal development, but growth is ALWAYS worth the price you pay because the alternative is a limited life with unfulfilled potential.

88)    Find a Way to Apply What You Learn
-         The bottom line to personal development is ACTION. If your life doesn’t change as a result of what you are learning: You aren’t giving your growth plan enough time and attention, you aren’t focusing too much time on the wrong areas, or you are not applying what you learn.
-         You need to apply what you learn as soon as you learn it, or you will lose it.

Personal Development is HUGE when it comes to growing not only yourself but your business as well. It can seem overwhelming and scary but it is VITAL for a reason. I can promise you that if you commit to a MINIMUM of 10 minutes of personal development daily you will see that it has an impact on your life.

When I first started in this business, I would skip over Personal Development or read a few quotes on Pinterest. I was never really committed. I was the person who if someone told me no I would shut down. I took it personal and would let it ruin my whole day. No’s are going to come at you almost daily, you have to have personal development under your belt to help you cope with the difficult times.
Being a leader you HAVE to take personal development seriously. There will be times that you plateau, do not let yourself stay on that plateau. Commit yourself to climbing the mountain of personal potential. You will NEVER regret it.

Today’s Assignment: Today I want you to sit down and commit to a set amount of Personal Development you will accomplish daily. Look at your schedule and figure out how much time you can commit to doing. Don’t set yourself up for failure but also don’t go to easy on yourself. I want you to message your upline telling them how much time you will be committing daily. This will hold you accountable.

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