Day 13: Empowerment

Day 13: Empowerment
Today we are going to talk about how to empower others to their potential. As coaches we see the potential in our downline. W e KNOW what they can accomplish but not always do they know. Think back to when you first started, did you know your potential or has someone pointed it out to you? For others to know what they are capable of you have to empower them

First you need to evaluate them. Where are they at in the business? Are they a brand new coach who doesn’t know much about the business yet, or have they already started their journey? Evaluating them does a few things it helps you see their potential, find what they are missing to develop, and helps you equip them with what they need. Maybe they are a new coach who has never done much with technology, they may need your help navigating the back office where as someone who is tech savvy may not need that help. This is why evaluating every single person, every single coach is so important. When evaluating there are two things you need to consider #1- Knowledge what do they need to know to succeed? What information is vital at this poin in time to get them where they want to go? #2 Look at their desire. Do they know their why? Do you know their why? If you know their why you can help keep them on track. Also are they showing up for team calls, participating as much as possible in the group setting, are they showing a desire to grow this business?

Next you need to MODEL for them. You need to not only talk the talk, but walk the walk. If you talk about the importance of recruiting but aren’t recruiting yourself you are sending mix signals to your coaches. If you are telling them that Personal Development is VITAL for a reason by golly you better be reading your PD. The best way to inform others is to show them. Success leaves clues. Be your perfect team member, show them the way. Don’t tell your coaches they need to check in with their progress, and then you never check in. That’s not going to go very far.

You also need to give them permission to succeed. You have to help others believe they can succeed and that you want them to succeed. First off you need to expect it. If you have an expectation for your team to be successful they will know it. I have coaches who worry that they are letting me down because they aren’t doing what they thought. I am not let down one single bit because I see what they are doing, but they know that I expect greatness from them because I see potential. And secondly you need to verbalize it. You need to tell your team that you believe in them. Tell them often. Send encouraging notes, or little gifts that will go a long way. Once people recognize that you genuinely care and are committed to them, they will start to believe in what they are doing too.

Next transfer authority to them. Off your coaches the opportunity to intern with you in a fitness challenge, allow them to give input and start to work on coaching others while knowing you are there to help in any way. If you are going out of town, message one of your coaches asking them to keep one of your groups running while you are gone. Chances are they will be honored that you thought of them. I know when Breezie had her baby she asked me to help with one of her groups and I was so nervous and excited that she trusted ME with her group. That was a good experience for me!

Also publicly recognize them. If they are rocking it out as a coach make it known on your team page, their personal page, or give them a shout out on your page. Let them know you are taking notice of what they are doing. Spotlight an amazing post that they create, or a group they are hosting. The little things will go a long way.

Give feedback. This can be hard. As coaches we need to be coaches to our downline not just cheerleaders. It’s easy to just say you are doing great, keep going, but sometimes we have to give them our honest opinion. Try and put it delicately but let them know why you think certain things are going on. They will appreciate it. If they know it is coming from a place of genuine caring a love they will be open to it. Always ask their permission to give honest feedback some people aren’t ready for it yet  because they honestly already know. Be sure you are setting your coaches up for success and not just cheering them on.

Release them to continue. So many coaches are scared to branch off and do their own thing. I know that I have struggled with that. I like reassurance that what I am doing is right, but honestly there are no right and very few wrong ways to run this business. Duplicate what you are given by your upline and just be you. Your coaches signed up and trusted you so make sure they are spreading their wings and slowly working into leadership.  Encourage them to host their own challenge groups, encourage them to create a fitness community. Help them see they can succeed on their own.

Empowerment helps individuals become more confident, energetic, and productive. You do not want to have a bunch of coaches who can’t do anything without holding your hand. Part of this business is the freedom to schedule your time so make sure you are raising coaches who will one day leave the nest and fly!!

Today your assignment is to start empowering your team!

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