Day 8: Influence

Welcome to Day 8! We are on the down hill slope of this training!! How are things going!? Are you feeling more confident about stepping into a leadership role? Today I am going to mix things up a bit and talk to you about the 5 Myths of Leadership! Sometimes we tend to think we know what the definition of a leader is but in reality we may not know what exactly leadership entails.

True or False....Leading and Managing are the same thing? FALSE!  Leadership is about influencing people to follow you where as management focuses on maintaining systems and processes. In this business you can talk until you are blue in the face but unless you are influencing your team, you won't be very successful. The best way to influence is to create positive change.

True or False.....ALL entrepreneurs are leaders?! FALSE! Just because you are really good at selling challenge packs and Shakeology doesn't mean you are a leader. Getting a sale is a GREAT quality to have but you must work on what you do once they sign up as a coach. If you sign someone up and never talk to them again, chances are they aren't going to stick around very long. If they are willing to build and work this business, you need to be able to meet them half way. You may not know all of the answers but stepping up and taking initiative will go a LONG way and they will start to see you as a leader.

True or False.......You do not have to be a genius to be a leader! TRUE! Just because someone is smart, does NOT mean they are automatically a leader. This goes to show that no matter what your circumstances you are always capable of being a leader, and are good enough! You can lead a team! So never ever ever think you aren't smart enough or capable to lead a team because that is UNTRUE! IQ doesn't necessarily equate to leadership.

True or False...Whoever is in the front of the crowd is the leader? FALSE! Being first isn't the same as leading. To be a leader you have to make sure you have others following you. You lead, and your vision. This is where finding your TEAM at the beginning is crucial. Don't be afraid to turn people away who just don't match where you are wanting to take the business. You want to lead those who want to follow a great leader and duplicate what they are doing.

Last question. True or False.....You can be in ANY position to lead. TRUE! It's not the position that makes the leader but the leader that makes the position. Maybe you aren't a Diamond coach yet, does that mean you aren't a LEADER!? No way!!! There are plenty of amazing leaders out there in so many different ranks in this business. Just becuase they don't have a certain title does not mean they can't be a phenomenal leader. Never think you aren't in the position to lead. Even if you only have one person on your team, you are still in charge of leading them! Step up and take the challenge.

I want you ALL to know that you are leaders capable of SO much! You have the ability to lead an amazing team, but first you have to truly believe in yourself. A popular saying in this business is Fake it til you make it!! You have to believe in what you are capable of doing! Others aren't going to sign up with someone who is unsure of themselves! You are a diamond coach, you are an amazing leader!

Today's assignment is a pretty tall order! Are you up for the challenge?! I think you are! Today you are opening up your OWN team page. Yes you heard me right! You are going into Facebook and creating a team that you will LEAD that YOU will be in charge of! Pretty exciting stuff. If you have one person on your team then you NEED to be leading them. You NEED to be in a leadership position so they can look to you for answers, advice, etc. I am so excited for you! This is a big step but a step in the right direction! Once you have done this I want you to message your up line saying. I AM a LEADER, and I am LEADING my team!!

See you tomorrow!

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