Day 11: Strength Zones

Day 11: Strength Zones
We all have strengths and weaknesses. One of the best things you can do for your team is help each person find their strength zones and encourage them to work from their power house. Help your coaches find their strengths so they don’t waste valuable time working on something that isn’t going to benefit them.

So how do you help identify their strengths?

First off STUDY them. Watch their posts on social media, where do you see them really shining? Tell them. In your team setting what seems to be their area of expertise?! Tell them. Make them aware so they start to identify and find those things that are similar to their strengths. For example if you notice a coach who is a really strong writer, talk to them about considering a blog. If they post a video and really shine encourage them to look into doing YouTube videos. Help make them aware. They might not realize their strengths yet and as a leader someone whose opinion they value that will go ALONG way!

Let them know where they fit in as a team member. Sometimes people don’t know their place. Let them know how important they are and what they contribute to the team. People need to hear these things. They need to know that they are being recognized. Let them know they are important.
Help them build together as a team. This is where team calls come into play. Everyone can see the dynamic of the team and start to figure this relationship out. You want a cohesive team that loves to work together so establish this bond. Help each member see the strengths of other team members. I have a pretty good sense of those coaches on my team. I know who I need to go to for what issue I am having. It’s a great feeling to know you have a group of people you can go to who will help you no matter the situation. Establish that with your team.

Most importantly you need to emphasize completing vs. competing. Healthy competition is good, but sometimes it can get out of hand. Help everyone on your team recognize that you are all there to support one another. This can be tricky. Trust me I am a competitive person and have to work really hard at keeping my blinders on. It doesn’t matter what others are doing, what matters is that I am doing my best. Try to keep your recognitions and shoutout’s fairly equal. Don’t play ffavoritism Look at every single coach that is working the business and find something that you can recognize them for.

Today I want you to look at yourself and identify your strengths. What are they!?

Next I want you to look at your building coaches and make a list with their names on it. Keep it by your computer. Every time you see a post from a coach or some sort of interaction write down if that is their strength. If it is point it out to them. Just be mindful. I can tell you that your coaches will thank you when they see that you are taking a real interest in what they are doing. 

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