Day 9: Connecting With Your Team

Establishing a connection with your team is so very important but can be a challenge. You may have never met this person before and they have signed up to join your team! How do you work on creating a connection with potentially a complete stranger?!

First off the heart comes first. You have to touch their heart! You need to establish something emotional and connecting. Open up, be real, be vulnerable. Maybe you already established this before they signed up as a coach. Maybe you were a part of a child loss group and that’s how you met. The point is you have to find something that ties the two of you together. Get to know them as a person, a friend, not just a business partner.

Secondly connect with them not only in public but privately as well. Send them private messages, a text, or even give them a call. Don’t let them think they are just one in the crowd, make them feel important. People don’t care about how much you know until they know how much you care. Develop credibility with your team by connecting with them one on one. Show them you genuinely want to help, even if it may inconvenience you.

Connect one at a time. Recognize people even in a group, relate to those as individuals. See your team as individuals not just a number. That’s the ONLY way to connect. Realize that even though you all have common goals that every single one of them is different and requires different approaches. Some want tough love while others crack under pressure. Find out what makes them tick and then help them.

Lastly put a “10” on everyone’s head. Expect the best of them. You see that potential in them, voice it to them. That helps boost self esteem and creates a fire. Appreciate them, encourage them , and help them reach their potential and they will connect with you. Be the person who is there for them through the rollercoaster of coaching. Be sensitive to how they feel but also show them that they are capable of so much more.

When you have started connecting with your coaches you will see a shift in how the team works. People start catching the vision and seeing their potential. They don’t want to let anyone down so they keep working and moving forward. Always touch a person’s heart before you ask for their hand. People are smart they know when you are being genuine and when you are being fake. They can see if you are just using them for selfish purposes or if you genuinely care. Today I want you to evaluate your relationships with your coaches. Have you established an emotional connection? If not I want you to start working on that.  Make sure your team knows you genuinely care!! 

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