Day 5: Finding Your Direction

Welcome to Day 5!! Today I want to talk to you about SUCCESS and the finding the direction you should go!
Have you ever heard of Cruises to NOWHERE!? You seriously get on a cruise ship and cruise around the ocean. You don’t stop at any ports you just wander around the ocean. While this may be fine and dandy for some sadly a lot of people live their lives like a nowhere destination cruise. Are you living your life this way!?
Success is a JOURNEY not a destination! You can’t fulfill your purpose if you don’t know what directions you should be going. Identify your destination, DISCOVER your DREAM!
You may ask what does this have to do with building my team!? UM EVERYTHING! If you don’t have a vision and goals for your team, how do you expect to attract others to want to join in?! You have to have a clear idea of where you want to go.
Dreams do many things for us
1)    They give us direction! We all need something to aim for. Dreams act as a compass, showing us which way we need to go. If you move in any direction other than your dream, you’ll miss out on opportunities that will make you successful.
2)    Dreams increase our potential. This helps us see ourselves in a new light, we see ourselves as being capable of growing to reach it. We don’t feel STUCK. If your vision is GREAT, then so is your potential for success.
3)    They help us prioritize. It helps you measure everything you do according to whether or not it contributes to the dream. So many people are trying to juggle a MILLION different things at once. They are to scared to hone in and focus on the ONE goal or dream they have in mind. They tend to keep ALL options open at once but ultimately that does no good. PICK ONE THING and work on that. Stop spending time preserving all the options and just move forward.
4)    Dreams Add VALUE to our work. Yes the 3 Vital Behaviors can be so mundane, you do the same thing day in and day out but we KNOW they are super important to fulfilling our dreams. Each of these behaviors are an important piece to the bigger picture. Vince Lombardi stated “I firmly believe that man’s finest hour—his greatest fulfillment to all he holds dear --- is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle ----victorious. Dreams provide that perspective.
5)    They predict our future! When we have  a dream we aren’t spectators sitting back hoping for the best. We are in the drivers seat. We are shaping the purpose of our lives. Our dream, when pursued, is the MOST likely predictor of our future.

Dare to dream and ACT on that dream. Do it in spite of problems, circumstances, and obstacles. You can pursue your dreams no matter where you are today! The future is SPOTLESS!

How can you expect your team to dream big if you aren’t dreaming big?! You need to have big hairy scary goals that freak you out , that give you goose bumps, that make you tear up because you KNOW that’s what you want. You have to help your team catch the vision and by sharing your goals with them, that will help them reach their goals!

Today’s assignment: I want you to write down the dreams you have for your team for the next 6 months, Year, and 2 year mark! Where will you be?! Share with your upline! 

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