Day 12: Give Up To Go Up

Day 12- How To Go Up As a Leader
As a Beachbody coach you never stop growing right?! You reach a new rank advancement, celebrate, and then start focusing on your next big milestone. Becoming a leader takes sacrifice, it’s a constant in leadership.

I want you to think back to your life before Beachbody….what did a typical day look like for you? For me I was a stay at home Mom, so my day was filled with chasing my kids, cleaning, and when everything was done sitting and watching trash tv or crafting. I honestly wasn’t living my life with any sense of purpose. Sure my house was spotless but I didn’t really take pride in that. If you were to come to my house today you will see a not so spotless house, laundry that needs to be done and a DVR full of unwatched shows. And to be honest a MUCH happier Makala. Have I made sacrafices? Absolutely! I have to manage my time better. I spend quality time with my husband, not every night sitting around the tv doing nothing. Has it been worth it? 100% yes! There has been a cost in moving forward but the reward has been so worth it.

You have to give up to go up. You are losing the right to think about yourself. Your main goal should be how can I help others, customers, and  my coaches? Maybe you don’t watch the Bachelor on Monday night because you are attending a team call. Maybe you have to quit your Candy Crush addiction and read personal development on leadership. Obviously you will have non negotiables  but what are some things you are sacrificing to grow your business? If you don’t think you have time re-evaluate what you do in your day to day life. I bet you have more time than you think!
The cool thing about this business is that sometimes we don’t even realize we are sacrificing something because we thoroughly enjoy what we are doing. However there will be times when you have to sacrifice.  Realize that some of these ssacrificesare short term, remember the goals you have set in place for yourself. In the end will you say that was totally worth it?

Today I want you to sit down and figure out what you are willing to 
sacrifice to get where you are going, and what is non-negotiable. For me it’s a no brainer family is not something I will sacrifice. NOW I am sacrificing time with my husband but I am making sure that I replace that time with one night a week where we spend quality time together. We shut off our phones and just spend time together. I also won’t negotiate any of my kids activities. If Adeline needs me to volunteer at school I will be there. One of the reasons I am so passionate about being a stay at home mom is so I am able to do those things. However, Party Down South & Grey’s Anatomy can wait (GASP! )

Sit down and figure those things out so that you can be an effective leader. 

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